22 February 2023


MAW Consulting have issued the Practical Completion Statement on the construction of a 241-space multi-storey car park at Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth. Noviniti engaged Ballast Needham Parking under a JCT Design and Build Contract to construct the building.

The development includes a link bridge to provide escape facilities from the first floor of an adjacent ward block through the car park. The car park stair cores are being clad in terracotta rainscreen cladding to match the fenestration of the existing hospital.

The steel and concrete structure is being built on 2/3rds of an existing ground level car park.

The works consisted of piled foundations, in situ concrete retaining walls, a galvanised structural steel frame, precast concrete decks, precast concrete wall, and stair units forming three cores, cast-iron rainwater pipes, drainage, attenuation, electrical installation, and sprinkler installation with underground tank. The car park stair cores are being clad in terracotta rainscreen cladding to match the fenestration of the existing hospital. The rest of the cladding consisting of mesh and timber look-a-like panels. Specific measures were introduced to prevent headlights from shining through the cladding.

MAW Consulting were both Employers Agents and Quantity Surveyors for the £7.90 million development.